Pubs & Restaurants
By coming to the experts at CSW Insurance Brokers Ltd, landlords and restaurateurs can have the faith that their business protection can come with well-rounded cover, within their budget.
As well as you know your business, you can’t expect to be able to anticipate everything that could go wrong as insurance professionals might. This is what we do every day, and this experience is what helps us find a good solution for you.
Liability and loss of alcohol licence are both major risks to those in the business of serving food and drink, so we would address these two areas as a matter of course. But we might also look into arranging cover for expensive stock, such as that which is held on the premise of a wine bar. Whatever’s going to work for your business, this is the protection we’ll work towards.
Call us on 01461 337 751 or email enquiries@cswinsurance.co.uk and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.
Key features
- Buildings with optional accidental damage and subsidence
- Contents including stock and personal possessions
- Public liability & employers’ liability
- Frozen food
- Loss of licence
- Money